Groups | How to use a Group Locker

Brightspace offers the possibility for students to easily communicate with each other for a Group activity. The Group Locker tool allows students to share files with each other easily and quickly.

This article will explain:

Advantages of using a group locker

A Group Locker provides students with the opportunity to quickly and easily share files with each other

Advantages Disadvantages
Digital storage Group bound of 1 GB
Uploading Files All Group members can Upload and save different types of files within Brightspace
Folders creation All Group members can create folders
Download files All Group members can download and adjust them offline
Accessibility Only by Group members (and the teacher) cannot be made public
Visibility All Group Members can view which file was uploaded the most recent and by whom

A teacher is able to view all files

For draft versions, it is advisable to store them somewhere else

Files that are deleted in the locker, by students or teachers, cannot be restored

Accessing a Group locker

Navigate to your Course, in the green navigation bar,

  1. Click on Communication, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click on Groups
Navigate to Groups

The Groups homepageĀ will open, navigate to the column Locker, then

3. Click on Group Files of the group where you want to open the Locker

Access a group Locker

Group Files

On the new page, four tabs will be visible

Group lockers | Tab Options
1. Upload Files

This action will open the Upload Files window, under the heading File properties,

1. Add a description to the uploaded file

Upload file window-description
  1. Click on Choose DestinationĀ to select where the uploaded file will be located
  2. Upload a document from your computer
  3. Click on the blue button Save
Upload files pop-up window
2. New File to Locker

This action will open the New HTML FileĀ window,

  1. Add a File Name
  2. Click on Choose DestinationĀ to select where the uploaded file will be located
  3. Add a description
  4. Add content in the text box. Learn more about the available options in How to add text in the Editor
  5. Click onĀ Ā Create
New HTML File window
3. New Folder to Locker

This action will open the New FolderĀ window,

  1. Enter a New Folder Name
  2. Click on Create
New Folder window
4. Email Group Members of the Locker

This action will open the Compose New Message window. Learn more about the available options in How to use the Email tool in Brightspace

Compose New Message window

You now know how to use and add files to the Group Locker in Brightspace!