Pin a course | How to pin or unpin a course
Pin a course to have a faster access to courses you are currently following. This will make them visible by default on your personal Brightspace WUR homepage.
This article shows how to:
Once a course is pinned, it will appear on top of the course list in the Waffle and on your Brightspace homepage under My Courses.
Pin a course using the homepage
Navigate to Brightspace WUR homepage, under My courses:
1. Click on the three dots of the course you want to pin
2. Click Pin
The course is now pinned to the homepage, indicated by the Thumbtack. To unpin it, click on the Thumbtack again.

Pin a course using the waffle
1. Click on the waffle in the Minibar. A downward menu will appear with a list of courses.
2. Click the Thumbtack next to the name of the course to pin it.
To unpin a course, click the Thumbtack again.
A dark Thumbtack means the course is pinned, and a transparent Thumbtack means the course is not pinned
Now you know how to pin or unpin a course in Brightspace!
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