Grades | How to find my grade in Brightspace
This article will explain how to find your grade in Brightspace. Please, be aware that grades entered in Brightspace are NOT binding. Your definitive grade is the one in Osiris.
Finding your grade in Brightspace
On the green navigation bar,
1. Click on Grades
Under the field Grade you are able to see your final calculated grade, already rounded according to WUR EER (Education & Exam Regulations) policy.
In the table below, the Grade Categories and Grade Items are listed.
For example: in the Grade Category Project, you can see the Grade Items belonging there with the corresponding Points and Grade that you have received.

Be aware, whether you are able to view the Grade Items and/or Grade Categories depends on what the teacher set up in Brightspace.

When you did not pass the course, the Final Calculated Grade will display Partially completed. This means you for example did not meet the bottom grades for your assignment or exam (please check the course guide for the exact explanation of how the final grade is set).
Now you know how to find your grade in Brightspace!
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